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Manual handling and risk assessment


A Manual Handling task is described as “any activity that requires a person to lift, carry, pull, push, move, support or put down a load”.


In relation to people, this can be how someone is supported or moved during activities of daily living including tasks such as washing and dressing, toileting, transferring on and off surfaces or through using equipment to support an individual such as a hoist or wheelchair.


Everyone who is involved in a manual handling task, be it client, formal support worker, family member or informal support worker needs to be kept safe with the risks assessed and appropriate training and education provided and regularly reviewed.


In relation to an environment, this might be your workplace or your home whereby you need to be able to access and move around the environment safely, whilst considering your needs and ergonomics, space and potentially equipment or small aids.


If manual handling needs are identified during any assessment by your Occupational Therapist, this will be discussed with you at the time and the best way of providing education and training to your specific circumstances established.

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